It is natural to assume that the smaller the detail, the less significant it is. However, in the majority of cases, such an assumption in nothing but misleading. When you think about your spark plugs, you can underestimate all the operations they provide. To put it simply, if there weren’t for the spark plugs, your Jeep would never start.
Choose Your Option!
Spark Plugs for 4.0 Engine
That is why it is so essential that you pay proper attention to the ignition time of your Jeep. If it seems that it takes it a lot longer to start, the chances are that you need to check the spark plugs out. When you are sure that they are the problem, you certainly need the best spark plugs for Jeep to replace the current one. That is precisely what this review is aimed at. Today we are going to discuss the best Jeep spark plugs available on the market depending upon your engine size.
Best Spark Plugs for Jeep Reviews
1. Bosch Spark Plugs
When you learn that a company has been on the market for over a century, you rush to assume that the quality of the items it produces is supreme. You are right to assume that. When it comes to spark plugs for jeep 4.0, 3.8, 3.6, 3.2 – Bosch is the manufacturer to trust.
First things first, the spark plugs that are produced by the company are designed to serve you the longest. Apart from that, the spark the item creates is the strongest so that even the coldest morning won’t stop your Jeep from starting in a matter of seconds. The double iridium, iridium, or double platinum firing Pins, depending upon the engine you own, ensure the lifespan that is up to 4 times longer when compared to other spark plugs.
The copper core that the plugs are equipped with is responsible for better heat transfer, while the ribbed insulator does not allow any flashovers, and that is advantageous.
If you are looking for the spark plugs that are going to last you up to 7 years and you are willing to pay a little extra in the beginning, then spark plugs from Bosch are the ones to consider.
2. NGK Spark Plugs
In case you are looking for some affordable but quality spark plugs for 4.0 jeep wrangler, or 3.2, 3.6, 3.8, and even Liberty – NGK should be on the list. It is true that the price that a single item comes at is surprisingly low, but the operation these Jeep spark plugs provide is not affected by it in no case.
To start with, we would like to draw your attention to the longer insulation nose that the item comes with. Such an innovation ensures that there is no fouling, misfiring, or idling in the way. Also, you should consider the corrugated ribs, which prevent any chance of flashover, and that is essential.
Unlike may, providers that promise a long lifespan of their items but leave the corrosion out, the spark plugs from NGK are metal-coated so that there is not a single chance granted to rust.
Looking for an affordable spark plug that is still of good quality? NGK has you covered, we can assure you of that!
3. DENSO Spark Plugs
The best spark plugs for jeep jk 3.6, 3.8, 3.2, and Liberty from Denso are supposed to be the strongest ones, and so it is. It is also true that when it comes to such a supreme quality, high-quality materials are involved. In the case with Denso spark plugs iridium, platinum and titanium are used, and it does not take a genius to figure out that the price will be corresponding.
On the bright side, if you choose to pay the price for such outstanding quality, then you can expect to drive your Jeep without paying any attention to the spark plugs for over 100 000 miles, and that is a lot, no matter how devoted an off-roader you are.
The quality material that the plug is made of speaks about the temperatures it is able to withstand. If we take the melting point of iridium, for instance, it will become clear that the temperature it is going to deal with can reach as high as to 2466C. Impressive, isn’t it?
It is true that Denso spark plugs are among the best ones on the market. However, the price they come at may be too high for some of you. There are more affordable options on the market, which are a little worse than Denso spark plugs but can be relied on as well.
4. Champion Spark Plugs
We know that safety and good operation of your vehicle is essential. However, at the very same time, not every driver that requires a spark plug replacement is ready to spend a fortune on some great-brand set. Worry not, there are also some affordable spark plugs for jeep jk that won’t affect your financial state greatly but will improve your vehicle’s performance.
What we have in mind are the spark plugs from Champion. What makes them different from all the other plugs, is the fact that the manufacturer thought about the older Jeep models along with the newer ones. As you may already know that older variations of Jeeps are designed to operate on copper spark plugs only, and the modern models can perform on iridium ones better. That is why the provider offers you a chance to choose between copper plugs fit for 4.0 engine along with iridium plugs suitable for 3.2 and 3.6 L engines.
Spark plugs from Champion are designed to meet all the standards of SAE as well as ISO despite the fair price. All plugs are corrosion resistant, and that makes them durable and reliable.
If you are low on your budget but you are looking for a reliable option to replace your old spark plugs, the ones from Champion may be your best bet.
5. E3 Spark Plugs
Those of you in search of the spark plugs that can fit the range of the latest vehicle models, including Jeep that come for a fair price – look no more. The E3 spark plugs are equipped with a DiamondFIRE ground electrode. That means that it is going to increase the power, make the vehicle start faster, and help you save up some fuel.
Apart from that, the patented electrode is designed to transfer heat well so that there is more turbulence in the cylinder. The spark plug design allows it to improve the engine power better than any other. If you are looking for numbers, it is safe to say that both the power and fuel efficiency can be increased by 5%.
If you are looking for spark plugs that can fit a number of vehicle models and which are simple to substitute in case the need arises – E3 spark plugs are to be considered.
Buyer’s Guide
There is rarely anything worse than to find that you are not able to start your engine in times of need. We are more than sure that most of you have unfortunately face the issue at least once in your lifetime. The first thing that you think of when your Jeep is not starting is the spark plug. You are right to assume so since this is the primary detail responsible for the process.
However, just before you rush to the store to get some new spark plugs, you need to realize that not all of those plugs available on the market are fit for your engine. The fact is that the jeep jk best spark plugs with engine capacity of 4.0 L are most likely to be unfit for Jeep Liberty and vice versa. Apart from that, the plugs come made of various materials too and it is advised to learn the difference between all of them to be able to get your vehicle the best spark plugs there are. Hopefully, this guide will head you in the right direction.
The Primary Purpose of Spark Plugs
To put it simply – the main responsibility of the spark plug is to wake the engine up. In case you do not know, how the ignition process actually looks like, it is as following:
- The fuel and air mixture enters the engine’s piston
- The piston moves up
- Air and fuel mixture is compressed up to the point when it needs a spark to be ignited
- The spark plug provides the necessary spark
- The engine starts
So, now it is safe to assume that spark plugs are quite essential items, no matter the small size.
Main Things to Consider When Shopping for Spark Plugs
There are three main details to pay attention to when you are looking for the spark plugs for the first time. They are:
- Material
- Heat rating
- Electrode gap
Copper spark plugs – are the least expensive plugs there are on the market. However, they are primarily fit for the vehicles that a little older. The main benefit pf such spark plugs is that the copper insides are great from the conduction of energy with minor resistance. They work best with natural-gas engines, but they are not that long-lasting.
Platinum spark plugs – they are single- and double-platinum variations. These plugs are designed to withstand extremely cold conditions, but they are said to overheat easily. On the bright side, these plugs are highly fuel-efficient.
Iridium spark plugs – these plugs are prevailing when it comes to all modern vehicles. They are indeed durable and fuel-efficient. The fact is that due to the reduction in voltage required for engine ignition, iridium spark plugs contribute to lesser fuel consumption. Also, if your Jeep has iridium plugs installed, it is advised to replace them with the same iridium plugs, and you should not even consider platinum or copper ones. Even though these plugs are usually a little costlier, the lifespan they provide will undoubtedly pay off.
Heat Rating
Another peculiarity of the spark plugs that you are bound to pay attention to is the heat rating. The fact is that some plugs work best under certain temperatures, and it is essential that you consider the fact before you purchase the wrong type of plugs for your vehicle.
Low heat rating – these are the plugs for light-duty Jeeps. They tend to heat up fast.
High heat rating – these are also called cold spark plugs, they do not heat up quickly, and thus, they are well-recommended for performance Jeeps.
Electrode Gap
Different spark plugs have different electrode gaps. The size of the gap, which is usually measured in millimeters or inches, can determine the spark’s magnitude, thus its ability to ignite the mixture of fuel and air.
Narrow gaps – these gaps are designed to fire on every cycle, due to that feature such plugs get dirty with all the by-products a little too fast.
Wide gaps – plugs with such gaps are designed not to fire on almost every cycle and they burn clean, but they are claimed to misfire at times too.
If you are not sure which gap you are supposed to consider, you can always look it up in your vehicle’s manufacturer manual. There is rarely any better reference source than that.
Best Spark Plugs Specs and Features
Very often, when you see a rating or read a review of a spark plug it is still a little vague as to whether it suits you or not. There are four main factors to evaluate to figure out if the plugs are fit for your needs:
Compatibility – this is clearly the central issue since if the spark plug is unfit for your vehicle model, then instead of bringing in some excellent performance, it will affect your vehicle in ultimately another way out.
Life span – the longer the spark plug is said to last, the better. However, anything lower than 40 000 miles is best to be put aside and not considered at all.
Installation – if you are planning on replacing the spark plugs on your own, it is advised to pay attention as to whether or not a particular type of plugs is fit for that. The fact is that some plugs may require special tools to be installed and if you do not have those at your disposal, there is no use in investing into spark plugs like that.
Corrosion-resistance – if you do not want to deal with some misfiring issues or rough idling then it is best to consider plugs that are said to be corrosion-resistant.
When Should You Consider Changing Your Spark Plugs?
Of course, you can wait until you reach the lifespan limit of the spark plugs that you have installed. However, there are also some other signs your vehicle may give you that signal spark plugs replacement.
Engine’s Rough Idling
When you encounter some unusual vibrations coming from your engine, along with some harsh sounds, this may be that signal letting you know that the spark plugs are to be changed. Such things happen because the plugs are too dirty or too old. If you do not fix the issue straight away, this may leas as far as to your engine damage
The Vehicle is Not Starting Smooth
Many drivers say that it is the battery to blame when the Jeep is not starting smooth, however, work out plugs may result in the same outcome as well. If there is no spark coming from the plugs, it may take you a couple of times to try to start the Jeep, and in my opinion, that would be that chance to have a closer look at those spark plugs you have.
Engine Misfire
It is hard not to notice when the engine starts to misfire, and that is one of the most apparent signs that your spark plugs need replacement.
Increased Fuel Consumption
Who would have thought that worn-out spark plugs can lead to increased fuel consumption, but it is true. What is more, experienced drivers say that those little spark plugs that are damaged can cost you as much as 30% added to your regular vehicle fuel consumption, and it is certainly a lot.
Comparison Table – Best Spark Plugs for 4.0 Jeep (Updated March, 2025)
Product | Product Information | View on Amazon |
Editor’s Choice
1) Bosch 9656 (Pack of 1) |
2) E3.58 (Pack of 1) |
3) NGK (3459) ZFR5N (Pack of 1) |
4) Champion 438 (Pack of 1) |
Best Spark Plugs for Jeep Wrangler JK 3.8L Engine (Updated March, 2025)
Product | Product Information | View on Amazon |
Editor’s Choice
1) Bosch 8116 (Pack of 1) |
2) Champion RE14PLP5 (7440) (Pack of 1) |
3) E3 Spark Plugs E3.66 (Pack of 1) |
4) NGK (4306) LZTR5A-13 (Pack of 1) |
5) Denso (4717) ITL16TT (Pack of 1) |
Best Spark Plugs for Jeep Wrangler JK 3.2/ 3.6 L Engine (Updated March, 2025)
Product | Product Information | View on Amazon |
Editor’s Choice
1) Bosch 9752 (Pack of 1) |
2) Denso (5356) IXUH22I (Pack of 1) |
3) NGK LKR7DIX-11S (Pack of 1) |
4) Champion RER8ZWYCB4 (Pack of 1) |
Best Spark Plugs for Jeep Liberty 3.7 (Updated March, 2025)
Product | Product Information | View on Amazon |
Editor’s Choice
1) DENSO #4504 |
2) NGK 6441 ZFR6FIX-11 |
Best Spark Plugs for Jeep Patriot (Updated March, 2025)
Product | Product Information | View on Amazon |
Editor’s Choice
1) Bosch 6707 (Pack of 1) |
2) Denso 4503 PK16TT (Pack of 6) |
3) NGK 2477 (Pack of 1) |
To sum all up, it is safe to say that you should never underestimate such tiny components of your vehicles as the spark plugs. These little plugs are irreplaceable if you want to be able to start your Jeep any time you need it as well as safe up on the fuel as well. They are all different, and you should be attentive when you are looking for the plugs for your own vehicle. However, we have discussed the best options available on the market at the moment as well as all the nuances when it comes to picking those. Hopefully, it won’t take you as many just as a few minutes to choose the spark plugs that will improve your Jeep’s performance tremendously!
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