
Best Brake Pads for Jeep Wrangler JK Review

If you own a trusty Jeep Wrangler and like to off-road a lot, chances are, your brake pads are out of order. No doubt: this is a rough-tough SUV truck with enough “oomph” to conquer even the most challenging terrain. It was introduced to the world back in 2007 and is one of those go-to vehicles for the fans of off-roading.  Still, you might want to check those JK Wrangler brake pads, especially when gearing up for a new adventure.

In this post, we’ll take a good look at the best Brake Pads for Jeep Wrangler JK. I hand-picked three of the most reasonably-priced, reliable, and easy-to-install pads on the market and are ready to tell you about their pros, cons, and share my recommendations. A quick note: front and rear brake pads are usually sold separately.

And, you won’t be able to fit, say, front-wheel brake pads in the back. But, everything else about the front and rear pads are the same – they are, in fact, identical to each other.


Best Brake Pads for Jeep Wrangler JK Review

1. Wagner ThermoQuiet Ceramic Disc Pad Set

Wagner ThermoQuiet QC1273 Ceramic Disc Pad Set With Installation Hardware, Front

When driving into the sunset, it’s very important to have trust in your brake pads. No matter how much experience you have behind the wheel, with faulty pads, especially on an icy road, things might end badly. Wagner’s ThermoQuiet set is one of the best picks for a Jeep Wrangler owner. First of all, it is easy to install: it won’t take you more than five minutes.

Secondly, thanks to forward-thinking tech, the wheels will stay clean, heat-free, and you almost won’t hear them working. This company has always been known for its exceptionally durable, reliable, safe and may be the best brakes for Jeep Wrangler JK, and ThermoQuiet is not an exception to that rule. Reduced rotor wear, laser-shaped friction, and the one-piece design turn these brake pads into a bang for your buck.

Product Rating
4.8/ 5
Noise Level
4.8/ 5
Value for Money
4.9/ 5
Pros & Cons
Easy installation procedure, even for an amateur
Reduced brake fade (results in heat and noise dampening)
Keeps the wheels clean
Depending on your vehicle, you might hear some squeaking

Andy Shane
Andy Shane
Ask Question

If you’re looking for can’t-go-wrong-with brake pads, you might want to include Wagner’s offer on your list of must-haves. They are super-quiet, efficient, and will serve you for a long time. However, keep in mind that on some vehicle models, these pads are known to squeak, especially when it’s cold outside.

2. Power Stop Brake Pads

Power Stop Z36-1273, Z36 Truck & Tow Carbon-Fiber Ceramic Front Brake Pads

Jeep owners looking to conquer the closest mountain, forest, or desert, will probably be very pleased with these brake pads. They boast industry-leading stopping power, clean, dust-free wheels, and almost complete noise reduction (achieved through dual-layered shims). On top of that, the pads come with a powder-coated plate that protects the brakes and wheels from corrosion and rust. Plus, the package includes high-quality grease.

Off-roaders have three configurations to pick from: Truck & Tow, Carbon Fiber, and Ceramic. The only downside – Power Stop is more expensive than the other two brake pads on our list. If you’ve got some extra bucks to spare, these will be money well-spent, especially in the long run (thanks to enhanced durability and reliability). If not, well, consider going with Bosch or Wagner.

Product Rating
4.8/ 5
Noise Level
4.7/ 5
Value for Money
4.6/ 5
Pros & Cons
Three different configurations (styles) to choose from
Above-average stopping power, rust-/corrosion-free
Noise-free; keeps the wheels nice and clean
The price is a bit too steep

Andy Shane
Andy Shane
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Power Stop did a great job with the Z36-1273 pads. They are reliable, almost completely noise-free, and have great stopping power. Plus, the company offers three different styles with different characteristics, which is a big pro. Sadly, all these treats come at a price: off-roaders on a budget might not like the price-tag.

3. Bosch Ceramic Disc Brake Pad Set

Bosch BC1273 QuietCast Premium Ceramic Disc Brake Pad Set

Thanks to the high-quality aerospace alloy, these Bosch brake pads will serve you for many years. Copper-free ceramic also adds to durability and reliability; plus, it’s an eco-friendly material. As for real-world performance, you’ll most likely be pleased by how strong the pads are and how little noise they make.

Last, but not least, the pads come with an OE-style rubber core shim that adds braking strength and reduces noise. It’s also corrosion-resistant and will protect the brakes and the pads for a very long time. The package includes synthetic lubricate that you can take with you on the road and use whenever needed.

View on Fulton

You can also look at the analogue of Premium Gold Ceramic Brake Pads from Carquest:
View on Advance Auto Parts

Product Rating
4.7/ 5
Noise Level
4.7/ 5
Value for Money
4.8/ 5
Pros & Cons
Excellent noise insulation
High-quality materials (aerospace alloy and copper-free ceramic)
Protective transfer layer included for added longevity
The front pads don’t fit Jeep Wrangler 2010+ models

Andy Shane
Andy Shane
Ask Question

Quiet operation, rust-free wheels, and premium-level materials – that’s what the Bosch braking pads are all about. But, if you’re looking to upgrade your Jeep Wrangler JK’s front wheels and add new pads, you might have a compatibility problem. That’s right: 2010+ models aren’t officially supported. Do keep that in mind!

Best Brake Pads for Jeep Wrangler JK (Updated March, 2025)

Product Product Information View on Amazon
Editor’s Choice

Wagner ThermoQuiet QC1273 Ceramic Disc Pad Set With Installation Hardware, Front

1) Wagner ThermoQuiet Ceramic Disc Pad Set

  • Best Features:
    – Very easy to install
    – Efficient noise reduction
    – Impressive durability
  • Type: Ceramic
  • Fits Models:
    – Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2017)

Front Brake Pads

Rear Brake Pads

Power Stop Z36-1273, Z36 Truck & Tow Carbon-Fiber Ceramic Front Brake Pads

2) Power Stop Brake Pads

  • Best Features:
    – Available in three different configurations
    – Exceptional stopping power
    – Noise-free braking
  • Type:
    – Carbon Fiber Ceramic
    – Ceramic
    – Truck & Tow
  • Fits Models:
    – Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2017)

Front Brake Pads

Rear Brake Pads

Bosch BC1273 QuietCast Premium Ceramic Disc Brake Pad Set

3) Bosch Ceramic Disc Brake Pad Set

  • Best Features:
    – Increased noise insulation
    – Made of high-quality materials
    – Includes a protective transfer layer
  • Type: Ceramic
  • Fits Models:
    – Front Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2010)
    – Rear Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2017)

Front Brake Pads

Rear Brake Pads


That’s pretty much it for our list of the best brake pads for your JK! We reviewed three outstanding offers in detail. You can never be too careful when trying to take on nature, and without active, good-shape brake pads, you might run into trouble in the middle of the road. Wagner, Power Stop, and Bosch are the leaders in this field, and you won’t be disappointed with any of the brake pads we discussed today.

Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you might have concerning your off-road vehicle. It doesn’t even have to do with the brakes or pads. I’m always happy to lend a helping hand and be of assistance to my readers. Good luck in the show, dirt, sand, or whatever terrain you’re about to push through!


About the author

Andy Shane

My name is Andy Shane, and I like to spend my free time conquering the most difficult off-road tracks. Off-road vehicles fascinate me more than any other vehicles types. Surely, there are not so many people who would share the passion for getting out of all possible muds and wilderness in their Jeeps, but those who do will find lots of interesting information in my blog.

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