
How Much Does It Cost to Replace Front Fender in Jeep?

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Front Fender in Jeep?

It is essential to have the right tools and know-how to replace the front fender of a Jeep properly. The cost of replacing a front fender will vary, depending on the make and model of your Jeep, as well as any additional parts or labor that may be required to complete the job. In this article, we’ll look at what you can expect to pay for this repair job, what parts you’ll need to purchase, and how long it will take to complete. We’ll also discuss some tips for ensuring the replacement is done correctly so you can avoid further problems. Whether doing it yourself or taking it to a mechanic, replacing a Jeep’s front fender can be expensive but essential for ensuring road safety. Understanding how much money and time needs to be invested in this repair will help you decide whether it’s worth it.

Types of Front Fenders Available for Jeeps

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Front Fender in Jeep? Jeep vehicles come in various makes and models; the front fender you need to replace will depend on your Jeep type. The most common types are:

Steel Fenders – these are the most common type of fender found on Jeeps. They are long-lasting, yet they can be susceptible to rust and corrosion.

Fiberglass Fenders – these are lighter than steel fenders and offer better insulation against road noise. Although they can be costly and involve more upkeep to maintain their appearance, they remain popular.

Plastic Fenders – these are lightweight options that don’t rust or corrode easily but may not last as long as other materials.

No matter what type of Jeep you drive, it is important to ensure you get the right replacement part for your vehicle’s make and model, so it fits correctly. Additionally, some Jeeps may require additional components, such as mounting brackets or other hardware, to complete a successful installation.

Factors that Influence Replacement Cost

Apart from selecting a front fender, various other factors can impact the price of replacing a Jeep’s fender. Since this is a complex repair job, you may need to hire an experienced mechanic for installation. The labor cost is usually determined by how much time the mechanic will need to complete the job and can range from $50-$150, depending on your location. Depending on the make and model of your Jeep, you may need to purchase additional parts, such as mounting brackets or hardware. The cost of these parts can vary widely depending on what type of Jeep you own and where you purchase them from. Older Jeeps may require more work due to rust or corrosion, which increases labor costs and total repair bills. Additionally, some Jeeps may require specialized parts only available through dealerships, adding to the overall cost. When replacing a Jeep’s fender, also consider the best fender flares for Jeep Wrangler for improved aesthetics and protection.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Front Fender in Jeep? How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Front Fender?

The cost of replacing a Jeep’s front fender depends on the make and model and any additional parts that may be required. Typically, the cost of parts and labor can range from around $200 to $500 or higher. The price of the fender itself will vary depending on the material and where you purchase it from, but most steel or fiberglass fenders range from $100-$300. Additionally, expect to pay between $50-$150 for labor costs. The cost of parts, such as mounting brackets or hardware, will depend on the make and model of your Jeep but could run anywhere from $50-$200. Older Jeeps may require more work due to rust or corrosion, which can add significantly to your repair bill. Additionally, some Jeeps may require specialized parts only available through dealerships, which can further increase the total cost of repairs.


Replacing a Jeep’s front fender is a repair job that requires the right parts and knowledge. The cost of replacing the fender will depend on the make and model of your Jeep, as well as any additional parts or labor that may be required to complete the job. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $500 or more for parts and labor. Be sure to research what type of fender is required for your specific make and model and any additional components that may be needed to complete a successful installation. Additionally, older Jeeps may require more work due to rust or corrosion, which could significantly increase the total cost of repairs. Knowing what needs to be done and how much it will cost can help you determine if replacing a Jeep’s front fender is worth it.

About the author

Andy Shane

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