
How To Protect your Jeep’s Hardtop When Not in Use

Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop is a convertible top that transforms your Jeep from an SUV to a Jeep. Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop can be very expensive and the last thing you want is for it to get damaged while not in use. Below are 10 tips on how to protect your Jeep hardtop when not in use, so you don’t have any issues with it later on:

Tip #1

How To Protect your Jeep's Hardtop When Not in Use1Park Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop on level ground or ramps.

Tip #2

Put something heavy (like bricks, cinder blocks, etc.) under the four corners of both front and back tires.

Tip #3

When driving off-road in areas where there might be water over the pavement, drive slowly enough that Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop doesn’t hit the water.

Tip #4

Put a tarp over Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop during rainstorms, just to make sure that it won’t get wet and dirty while you’re not using it.

Tip #5

Park Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop in the shade when possible so it doesn’t burn out in the sun and you don’t have to use Jeep Hardtop paint.

Tip #6

Don’t leave Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop in a dusty environment where birds might make droppings. If you are out overnight, even if it is covered by a tarp or water-resistant cover.

Tip #7

How To Protect your Jeep's Hardtop When Not in Use2Keep Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtops Tires inflated and always check tire pressure before any long road trip.

Tip #8

Check for cracks on your hard-topped vehicle’s windshield with a flashlight at night. If you see one make sure to have it repaired as soon as possible because this could be an indication that there may be rot in the frame which will get worse over time leading to more leaks damage and costly repairs.

Tip #9

Cover Jeep’s Jeep Wranglers Top Storage Area With A Rug For Extra Protection From Dust and Dirt.

Tip #10

Tape Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop Storage Cover To Jeep’s Jeep Wrangler Hardtop When You’re Not Using It As A Carpet For Extra Protection From Dust and Dirt.

Bonus Tip

Use a Jeep Top Protector to Protect from UV Rays, Bird Droppings, and More!

Jeep top protectors are specifically designed for the purpose of protecting any fabric surface on your vehicle from sun damage that can cause fading or cracking. These products contain special ultraviolet light absorbers which deflect harmful rays before they have the chance to penetrate through your Jeep’s hard.

About the author

Andy Shane

My name is Andy Shane, and I like to spend my free time conquering the most difficult off-road tracks. Off-road vehicles fascinate me more than any other vehicles types. Surely, there are not so many people who would share the passion for getting out of all possible muds and wilderness in their Jeeps, but those who do will find lots of interesting information in my blog.

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